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New Video Campaign

Hello all! As always we got really really busy and then forgot to tell everyone what we were up to. Well. We did another video project for the NFA in conjuntion with Red PR. It's aimed at highlighting the dangers of making risky investments. It also has a cameo from one of our directors... see if you can spot him.


Campaign for Action Fraud (Home Office) and Industry Partners launched today.

The Devil's in Your Details is a digital campaign to raise awareness of the value of your personal information and the threat of Fraud. roll7 has developed a groundbreaking Facebook app – this was tweeted yesterday by Stephen Fry!

We have also made two YouTube Videos and three radio adverts – check them out here;

The story was picked up on Sky News this morning

Watch this space for more coverage!


New Campaign Launch!

So, after months of hard work we’re finally releasing our Facebook interactive video app!

It’s called The Devil's In Your Details, and it uses your Facebook info to customise a video with you and your friend’s images and names. The team have pulled off some really cool tricks with it and we’re really happy with how it turned out, you can check it out at let us know what you think (and share it with everyone you know)!