After a huge effort from all the guys, 9 months of hard work has paid off and the game is looking great and playing even better. It’s become a labour of love, with everyone really pitching in to make this as good as it can be. Huge thanks to the boys at Rumpus for making everything look so cool, Olly and Pete at BASE QA and the NeuroCog/Wollongong guys for all their support – special thanks to Stuart Johnstone for his on-going support, suggestions and for the helpful input from his kids! Focus Pocus will be out in the next couple of months (we’re adding a few snazzy final touches). So watch this space for release updates… actually don’t watch this space, watch the trailer below (in full screen HD preferably)!
It’s not all wizards and witches though… Below are three screenshots from our
new iPad / iPhone game EarWorm, that we are making in collaboration with Goldsmiths University. The game lets you race down a tunnel generated from any tune from your iTunes library. If the screenshots look a little rough, it's because the game is still in dev! There’s still loads to do, but it’s already starting to take shape. It's going to look amazing when it's released, promise!
Work is soon to start on 'Gets To The Exit' (working title) - another iPhone / iPad game after John won the game design contest we held between all roll7 staff. His design will now be developed by roll7 in just 4 weeks! GTTE will be our first cross platform title using the Air 2.7 framework – we’re aiming to have this out on all the iThings, Android, blackberry and Steam! Its going to play something like this and look a bit like this (see attached image)! We’re in the process of building a level editor for the game, which we will be releasing alongside the app itself, so that all you creative types can start making your own custom levels and challenging your buddies!

In other news we would like to welcome Afsana to the team. She will be Simon and John's PA for the next 15 months and is already fitting in well and making a great contribution (i.e putting up with us man-boys and our juvenile humour).
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